Feature Base Solution

Feature Base Solution
Bases are substances that can neutralize acids. Chemically acids and bases contradict each other. Water-soluble bases are called alkalis.
based on their strength, bases are divided into weak bases and strong bases. The smaller the pH value, the stronger the base. I corrected this one too .. A weak base has a pH of around 9-11, whereas a strong base has a pH from 12 to 14.

The PH is more than 7
Making red litmus paper into blue litmus paper (change color)
Corrosive to skin

KOH + H2O K + + OH–

CaOH + H2O Ca ++ OH–
Some bases that we can find in everyday life are:
Chemical Base Formula Name Example Material
Aluminum hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide
Magnesium hydroxide
Mg (OH) 2

Soap ingredients, cleaning drains
Soap ingredients
Heartburn medication

The Nature of Base Solutions
Basa (alkali) comes from Arabic which means ash. One definition of a base is a substance which, if dissolved in water, will produce hydroxide ions (OH-).
Initial indicators were obtained from plants, but now they are made in factories. Litmus, for example, is obtained from lycen, a symbiosis of fungi and algae. Apart from lichens, various colored plants can be used as indicators of acid-base. For example petals, red cabbage, and beets.

 Acidity (pH)
Acid solutions have different levels of acidity. Differences in acidity can occur due to differences in concentrations. The acidity level is commonly expressed on a pH scale. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with the following conditions:
Acid solutions have a pH <7
Base solution has a pH> 7
Neutral solutions have pH = 7
So the more acidic a solution is, the smaller the pH. Solutions with pH = 1 have 10 times more acidic properties than solutions with pH = 2.
The hydroxide ion has a negative charge (so it's given a minus sign (-) next to the back of OH). Bases are the opposite of acids. In general, Bases have the following properties:
Bitter taste when dissolved in water (only for weak bases)
Touch: feels slippery like soap when touched (only for weak bases)
Caustic (can damage skin tissue / irritation)
Electric conductivity: can conduct electricity (an electrolyte solution)
The degree of acidity (pH) is greater than 7
Change the litmus color to blue
In its pure state it is generally in the form of solid crystals
can emulsify oil
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Examples of Base Solutions
Some examples of bases used in daily life are as follows:
Soda fire (sodium hydroxide NaOH) functions to dissolve fats and oils so that it can be used to open clogged sinks.
Calcium hydroxide or lime (Ca (OH) 2) is used for whiting and as a building material, which is a mixture of cement mortar
Ammonia (NH3 solution) is used in facial cleansers or glass cleaners
Acid in the Body
Everyday life bases
Fire soda (sodium hydroxide, NaOh), functions to:
- Dissolve fats and oils
- clean the oven
- destroy seloluse
Calcium hydroxide or lime (Ca (OH)
Ammonia (NH3 solution) is used as a glass cleaner.
The way to find out whether a substance is classified as acidic or basic is to use an indicator.
Indicator is a substance that can be paid for colors when inserted into acidic or basic compounds. Indicator can be paper or solution, indicator in the form of paper is litmus paper.
There are two kinds of litmus paper, namely red litmus and blue litmus. How to use is litmus paper inserted into the compound, then see the color change.
A compound is acidic if the blue litmus paper turns red, but the red litmus paper does not change color ... while if the base group compound is red the litmus paper turns blue, but the blue litmus paper does not change color. If the compound does not change the color of litmus paper, it is classified as not an acid or base or a neutral compound.